
Simple Skin Care

So when it comes to my skin care I like to keep things simple, pun intended. The first ever cleanser, toner and moisturizer I was ever bought at the age of 15 and is still with me today at three years down the line, is the simple skincare range. 

This skincare range is the only one that doesn't bring my skin out in lots of spots, dryness or reactions. The beauty of sensitive, blemish prone skin ey. After a lot of trial and errors with all different skin care ranges this has always been my staple go to. So after trying all different ones Ive decided to just stop and let my skin have its way. 

So my skincare routine is on a morning I'm using the Simple facial wash then the Simple moisturizer. Then on a night I use the Simple cleanser and toner then the Body Shop Vitamin E night cream which I spoken about on this blog post.  I do this because I feel as though over cleansing and toning my skin is just too much so once a day on a night is enough for my skin.

The cleanser is a creamy cleanser that wipes easily over your face then with a little rubbing in all of your makeup wipes off with a cotton wool pad with ease. I use the cleanser to remove eye makeup because it is sensitive enough. The toner being soothing is cleaning, light and refreshing after a creamy cleanser. The moisturizer is light and sinks in easily and quickly so you can apply your makeup straight after. ts hydrating and does the job of a moisturizer. 

Another part of the Simple range that has recently snuck into my skincare routine is the moisturizing facial wash. I've always struggled with face washes because again, sensitive blemish prone skin. But this one just leaves my skin squeaky clean. It makes sure that all makeup is completely off and my skin is clean  ready for the day. 

Like I said the Simple range has been what I've been using for about 3 years now and will be with me for a long time in the future. I wouldn't use this if it wasn't good for skin, or well my skin because as everyone knows that everyones skin is completely different.  Also this range is super cheap and easy to get a hold of as most supermarkets and drugstores sell it.  
This is the best for my skin and I highly recommend.

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