
Label.M Faves

Label M has been my hair saviour over 2016! The salon that I go to use all Label M so as soon as I noticed just how damaged my hair I was straight online buying some for my self.

My favourite product is the Rejuvenating Radiance Oil. I apply this all over my hair when it's damp focusing mainly on the most damaged areas. The oil gives my hair that little bit more protection and moisture boost that it needs. It leave my hair looking super shiny and health from only a small amount of product. If I style my hair between washes and it starts to look dry or frizzy I will apply a small amount of the oil and it give my hair the shine and healthy look it has after first washing. And lastly I often apply a layer onto my hair when it's dry and leave it on over night as a mask jus really give me hair a boost.  
The next thing I purchased is the Protein Spray. Admittedly I'm not entirely sure the full benefits of protein with bleached hair, I just read its good! I do know it has UV protection and evens out porosity.  I spray this a few times when my hair is damp. I'm just trying anything out that might help the damage! Buy online here.   

The last thing and by far my most used since I'm onto my third tub is the Intensive Mask. This is by far the best hair mask that I've came across. It is super moisturising and has kept my hair in great contain. This has been my saviour product and really has stopped my hair from being so damaged. I always leave the mask on for around 5 minutes and it leaves my hair very healthy, shiny and weightless! My favourite hair care product! Buy online. 
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