So I turned 20 this week, which is way too adult sounding for my liking! I always thought 20 was an old grown up age and that I would have my life on track but in reality I still feel 16 but with more responsibilities, although still not exactly a responsible person.
With another year passing over I've kind of been thinking about my life, how things turned out and have been all cringey reflective. This is where I got the idea for this post, kind of thinking out loud, or online! I think it would be cool to look back on this later in life too, so here it goes...
1. Things Change
Your life will constantly change, its something you can't stop. No matter how hard you try not everything will go to plan and things will be different to how you intended. Whether that be small changes or massive life changes, good changes or bad, what will be will be!
2. Friends Don't Last Forever
'Best friends for life' 'We will be each others bridesmaids' 'Bestest friends'. People change, they move on and often you will get left behind. This isn't necessarily a bad thing although at the time it's not always easy. You will fall out with people, argue and often things will never be the same afterwards, but a month or two later I guarantee you will not care anymore and you don't need their negativity in your life anyway. People from school will move on with their lives, the exact same way as you will, meet new people and have new relationships. I'm not saying if you still talk to people from school then you did it all wrong but I bet you have stopped talking to people who you used to speak to daily!
3. Leave Negativity Behind
Negative people are not worth being in your life. Friends, boys or even family. If a person is bring you down in any way at all then why are you wasting your time being around them? You're life is worth a lot more than that and you don't deserve to feel that way.
4. Don't follow the rules of others
If there's something you want to do but you're scared that someone else won't like it, are they really worth it? I've went through so much of this, doing what others think is right and following what other people say because they were my friends, like a little sheep. You need to do what is good for you, regardless of who it may affect, obviously don't set out to hurt anyone though and have good intentions!
5. Dress how ever you want and love it!
This is something I've always kind of struggled with, but I feel like I'm finally overcoming it. I grew up around Sunderland, a chavy little city that contains a lot of judgemental people who aren't used to anything other then whats sold in primarni. Wearing whatever you want is all about confidence rather than having style in my opinion, there's things that I love but I know I wouldn't have the confidence to wear! For my 20th, I spent my time shopping buying whatever the hell I wanted and wore my new clothes exactly how I wanted them ever since and loved it! I kind of got a major confidence boost after reading this post my Megan Ellaby(Pages by Megan) who is one of the best fashion bloggers! Give it a read.
6. Confidence!
Another I've always struggled with. I've never considered myself to be an anxious person, just often painfully shy and very worried about what people think of me. I'm really trying hard to not care about other peoples opinions but its often easier said than done.
7. Life isn't a competition!
So what if people gets more likes than you, if you think they're better than you or if people are into the same things as you. It doesn't matter, you're not them and they're not you! Stop comparing yourself.
8. You need to make the correct decision for yourself
If you feel that something is right to do, then do it regardless of what anyone else may say about it.
9. Photograph your life
Take photos of memories, have something to look back on! I hate getting my photo taken but I really want to do it more. I want to be able to look back on my life and see how I've changed and grown. Even if its just through instagram, have photos to refer back to! Have a record that you existed!
10. Buy the bloody shoes
For ages I hated spending money but life is just too short to wish you had the things you don't. Work hard, earn your way! You work hard and why shouldn't you have lovely rewards and be able to feel good about it!
11. Make things happen
For ages I wanted to blog but was always so scared anyone would ever find it. This is kind of a place for me to be myself, it feels like no one reads and I like it that way! I wanted to do it and now I have for a year and a half and had an amazing oppurtunities along the way! I hated college so I left and started working and have never looked back. Don't wait around, your chance is now!
12. Find what you love
Whether that be people, hobbies, jobs, clothes, whatever you enjoy just find your passion. When you find something, don't stop! Keep going, you'll fill yourself with positivity and pride.
13. Travel at any opportunity
Life experience is so much more rewarding than something you can touch. Go out see the world, don't stay in your home town forever, there's so much more to the world!
14. Go outside and switch off the technology
It sounds silly, but so much time in our lives is wasted sitting indoors watching films or YouTube videos. Switch off the Xbox and go outside, get some fresh air and spend time with people! There's nothing I love more than going for walks whether you cannot access instagram or Facebook just you and the people around you to chat too, no online messager!! Create a balance. Technology is what our generation is obsessed with whether we like it or not, there needs to be a time where we can just be away from it!
15. Smile more
Being self conscious of my teeth and smile for years meant I kind of stopped smiling and developed that whole resting bitch face thing. Not smiling really puts a damper on your mood. Laugh hard and smile always.
16. If you're happy for someone, tell them
Push the people you love to make the most of the opportunities they get and do what they love to do. Be happy for people, be proud of what the people closest to you can achieve. Positivity is contagious.
17. There's more to life then looks
Stop wasting your time on stupid diets and ages slapping makeup on. Stop worrying, you look fine.
18. Not going out drinking every weekend is unusual
I live in the Northeast with is notorious for drinking. Personally, this isn't really my sense, I prefer a bath and bed by 11pm on a Saturday! The main thing is, most friends only social through drinking so not really enjoying the clubbing scene can be a bit difficult. Don't do something you don't enjoy just because everyone else is doing it. And no, you're not a pussy for only liking cocktails!
19. Your parents will always have your back
As I get older I realise how much my parents really do care and how they will be there no matter what. I've always known this, but as you get older and you go through different things they really do show how much they care.
20. Just be happy
Make yourself proud, you can do this!!
Thanks for reading x