
A Little Secret Weapon to Clear Skin

One very simple thing that I've brought onto my skin care that, in my opnion, has made a huge difference. This is the Body Shop cleansing brush and cost me around £4, bargain. Its a light exfoliating brush that I use either when I'm exfoliating obvs or sometimes when I'm removing my makeup. 

Its a very small brush that I just brush all over my face, excusing the eyes, in light circular movements. After I use this my skin just feels extremely clean and washed away of any impurities. It has massively reduced my spots, blemishes and black heads too. 

I often use this when washing away a face mask, particularly one from Lush. If you read my blog you will know its normally the Love Lettuce that I'm obsessed with. I feel as like Lush face masks have so many skin benefits and the Love lettuce is very exfoliating, so to really rub this product into my skin feels like it would do it the world of good. My skin is always feeling so fresh, clean and glowing after I do this! Its my favorite kind of skin treat or what I do before an event that I want to look nice for. 

I seriously recommend investing in some kind of facial brush. I know you can get electronic ones and they're often pricey but this one is only £4 and does a very good job. I've never had a electric on so I cant compare. 
If you like your skin to just have the extra bit of freshness or glow this is a really easy to to achieve without makeup or expensive time consuming products.

Easy, quick and effective.

Any you can buy online here


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